Classique Switches
Inspired by the 1930s Art of Living, recognised by its “water droplet” switch, the eldest of the Meljac ranges is renowned for its simplicity with its chamfered shapes. The timeless design of the Classique collection fits any room and matches any style of interior decoration with.
Finishes01 Bronze Médaille Clair (CA), 02 Bronze Médaille Clair Vernis Mat (CB), 03 Bronze Médaille Allemand (CC), 04 Bronze Médaille Foncé (CD), 05 Bronze Médaille Foncé Barége Brillant (SJ), 06 Black Stone Chelsea (SV), 07 Champagne (CE), 08 Doré Patiné (CF), 09 Laiton Poli Verni (CG), 10 Laiton Vieilli Ciré (SR), 11 Antique Brass NA (SU), 12 Cuivre Patiné (SG), 13 Cuivre Vieilli Bouchonné (SH), 14 Cuivre Satiné (SI), 15 Cuivre Antique (ST), 16 Nickel Brossé (FA), 17 Nickel Brillant (FB), 18 Microbillé Nickel (FC), 19 Nickel Noir Brillant (SA), 20 Nickel Noir Mat (SB), 21 Chromé Mat (FD), 22 Chromé Vif (FE), 23 Microbillé Chromé (SF), 24 Etain Moyen (SS), 25 Canon de Fusil Anthracite (FF), 26 Microbillé Canon de Fusil Anthracite (SM), 27 Canon de Fusil Sablé (FH), 28 Canon de Fusil Belge (SP), 29 Argent Patiné (SE), 30 Ebène (SQ)